Bandai PG Millenium Falcon

This page will be dedicated to a trully awesome kit from Bandai, the Perfect Grade Millennium Falcon scale 1/72. This is a Bandai kit which has 612 highly detailed parts. It comes with some lighting (more about that later) and can be build in a landed position or while flying, that's up to the builder. 

My idea to build this model is in landed position on a diorama situated in a mountain landscape. As the lighting that comes with the model are pretty cool (it comes with a nice power supply with several buttons) I want to bring it to the next level. So I will not use the stock hyperdrive engine lights, add landing lights and place onother locations extra lighting. This all will be controlled by a Arduino and a 9 Vdc battery pack instead of the supplied power supply. I have also purchased a nice lighting addon for in the cockpit from Falcon3Dparts. This gives a more realistic lighting at the back of the cockpit. In from of the cockpit I will place some SMD leds and on other areas I will use some fibre optics. 

Follow allong with me building this nice kit and see if I can get it really to the next level.

Planning the project

As mentioned in the introduction I would like to add some extra's in the kit. Searching online one can find many 3rd party stuff to bring this kit to the next level. Your knowledge and budget is defining to where you want/can bring it. I have decided for a couple of things.

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