A new package has arrived.....yeah!!! Issue 9 till 18 is here on the workbench and ready to be assembled. We will be working on the dome and parts of the R2D2 his right leg. Lets start..........
issue 9
Issue 9 will let us finish a part of the upper dome and make a start on the holographic projector (remember "Obi Wan you are my only hope"). The model when finished has a prjector that shows this scene on a white background I'm really exciting to test this out but that will take a while.
A good habbit before starting assembling is always to check the components needed for the particular issue. If you would not have received the correct parts or amounts it is best to contact Fanhome immediatly, as stated on the packing list whcih comes with the box you have received.
Every issue comes with a cool magazine that tells you awewsome stuff about Star Wars and a good explanation on how to assemble the received parts. It has also a overview of the parts needed (i.e. which should be in your bag of parts). A picture of the parts checklist is shown below for this issue.
We will start with assembling the upper ring for the dome. First we will conntect the new part of the upper ring to the part we have assembled in the previous issue.
The result will be as follows:
Next we will need to assmeble the top dome supports before we can mount everything together.
Now we can assemble the top support to the dome ring. Pay attention to the references as shown on the instructions. If the ring is not placed in the corret position it will not fit or later in the build one might get issues. When assembled fully the top part of the dome should look like below.
Now the first part of the domehas been finished it is time to make a start on the holographic projector. This part is pretty straight forward. We only need to fit in the parts as shown below and screw that with two black small srews which we have received allready.
Mounting these parts is so easy it actually doesnt need any text. Theye all fit into eachother and will be screwed with the two black scres in the only two holes visible when placed together. this will give us a awesome result as shown below.
Doesn't look that awesome, I can't wait to see this part in action but we need to wait for that and see it doing its job. But having said this all this is a nice moment to give a good tip. This kit comes with lots of screws of different sizes and colors I highly recommend to buy a cheap organizer for screws, bolts and nuts. A simple box like below only cost a couple of euro's and will make your life much more organized when assembling a kit like this.
These kind of boxes can be bought at many stored and saving your screws, bolts and nuts in a dispenser like this will avoid losing one of them.
Well this ends up this issue 9, we have made some fun progress and lets go for issue 10.
Issue 10
At this stage of the build we will extend the head chasis and assemble the lens mount. The components checklist shows also some parts of the right leg but they wont be used in this issue so store them on a good place.
Our first job will be to attach the received frame to the dome. Pay good atention on where to place this new frame. When completed it looks like this:
Now we will assemble the lens mount. We need to take the faceplate which has been received in issue 1 and fit them together with the new received parts. I placed a paper tissue on my workbench so the lens wont get any scratches on it
When done we can mount the lens to the newly frame on the dome of R2D2. On the right picture here below I have placed a little bit of paper tissue with some masking tape on the lens, agai to avoid getting scratches on it will working on the model.
This finalizes allready issue 10 and we're ready to go to issue 11.
Issue 11
This issue has not a lot of assemble steps ut it comes with a bag of screws and a frame for the dome. A cool thing with Fanhome is that they also supply all the tools we need. Like in the first issue we have received a screw driver (to be honest I would purchase a good screwdriver set shuch as this one). We have also received a test circuit board to test some electronic parts and with this issue we received the first part of the support spindle which. This spindle is usefull to work on the dome.
I started with organizing the received screws and nuts in the dedicated dispenser I purchased for this project.
After having done that I mounted the newly received frame for the dome and the job was done for this issue.
Issue 12
This issue is pretty cool we have quite some stuff to do. The issue comes with more dome frames, right leg frames and the base for the support spindle. Lets check our received components.
We will continue first with assembling the received ome frames. We have two of them and check the coding on them to place them in the correct position. After mounting them we have the following result.
Now it is time to continue on the right leg. We need the two parts which we have received in issue 10, LFR 13 and LFR 14. These two parts will be connected the the two lef frames that we have received in this issue. They will be mounted together with 5 screws and nuts that we have received in issue 11. First you snap the parts together and than screw them together as explained in the instructions.
The final result is show on the above right picture. We will have to store this assembled part again for future use. Finaly we have one received part left this the the base frame for the support spindle which will be assemble very soon.
This was it for this issue we are ready for the next issue.
Issue 13
We have arrived allready at issue 13. This issue we will assemble two more parts for the dome and we have three support base legs for the support spindle (very usefull). This issue came also with a ring frame for the lower part of the dome but we will not use it, so store it carefully.
First thing we need to do is continue with assembling the two frames on the dome. Pay good attention to where they come, they are coded with DF-13 and DF-12. When finished the result will be s shown below.
Now that this part of the dome is finished we can assemble the support spindle so we can store the come nicely. The three base legs will be mounted to the centre base as such.
The only thing that's left to do is to place the ro dinto the centre hole and than we can place the dome on it by fitting the rod into the bearing hole at the top centre of the dome. All should look like this.
This wraps up this issue we have a nice support to store the dome and new parts to asseble the lower part of the dome. Next issue we will continue with the right like and mount a nu support fram ring for the dome.
Issue 14
So here we are issue 14, not to many components but we're happily continuing this model. We have received the second part of the central ring for the dome and four parts for the right leg.
We will start with connecting the ring received in the previous issue with the just new received metal ring.
It is pretty straightforward connecting the two pieces. We will have to use one of the connectors (DF-08) received with the previous issue and two screws. The right picture here above shows the result.
Now we can continue with the parts received for the right leg of R2D2. This are two parts which will later be mounted on the ankle of R2D2. Here we can see how this has to be connected. The left picture shows again pre-assembled and the right picture shows how it should look when it is done.
Issue 15
In this issue we will finish the centre support ring of the dome. First the ing will be fully assembled and than it will be mounted on the dome. LEts check our components.
Above the checklist with all the parts we should have received. And below the parts spread out in a organized way.
After assembling the omplete ring it should look like the lower left picture. When assembled on the dome is shown in the lower right picture.
This finishes allready issue 15 and we are ready to continue with issue 16.
Issue 16
This issue is not the most spectacular issue. We have received two bags of screws and nuts and on one support frame for the dome.
All I can say about this issue is store your received screws carfully there are a couple of very small ones in one of the bags which we will need very soon. But offcourse all screws are important and as I have read on other forums Fanhome is not sending any spare screws so it is important not to loose any of them. Finish the build instructions give the result as shows below.
Lets go fast to the next isssue and see what this brings us.
issue 17
Here we have again not much work to do. We have received again just one support frame for the dome and this time two cables which according the Components Checklist are for the infrared sensor and a control cable for a motor. So strore those cables very good cause we will not use them for now and assemble the frame as in the instruction explained. The Components Checklist is here below.
Finishing the building instruction for the dome give us the below shown result.
issue 18
Again unfortunately not a really exciting issue.We will add another frame support for the dome and assemble the microphone for R2D2. Lets have a look first to the checklist.
We will asemble first two parts of the dome this is pretty nice as we can see the dome evaluating. And after that we will construct the picrophone for R2D2, this is a imporant piece cause it is pretty awesome control R2D2 by voice ( as they say). So lets start.
After continuing with the dome the result should look more or less as above. Next we should work on the microphone, the lose pieces are shown below.....lets assemble all together, isn't.......?
After assembling all together we should get this:
This finalize issue 18. It was not the most exciting issue but we concluded some important steps of the build. Let's continue with the upcoming issues and make this build awesome.
See you soon.......
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